Google & Arm – Raising The Bar on GPU Security (Google Online Security Blog)

Who cares about GPUs?

You, me, and the entire ecosystem! GPUs (graphics processing units) are critical in delivering rich visual experiences on mobile devices. However, the GPU software and firmware stack has become a way for attackers to gain permissions and entitlements (privilege escalation) to Android-based devices. There are plenty of issues in this category that can affect all major GPU brands, for example, CVE-2023-4295, CVE-2023-21106, CVE-2021-0884, and more. Most exploitable GPU vulnerabilities are in the implementation of the GPU kernel mode modules. These modules are pieces of code that load/unload during runtime, extending functionality without the need to reboot the device.

Proactive testing is good hygiene as it can lead to the detection and resolution of new vulnerabilities before they’re exploited. It’s also one of the most complex investigations to do as you don’t necessarily know where the vulnerability will appear (that’s the point!). By combining the expertise of Google’s engineers with IP owners and OEMs, we can ensure the Android ecosystem retains a strong measure of integrity.

Why investigate GPUs?

When researching vulnerabilities, GPUs are a popular target due to:

Functionality vs. Security Tradeoffs

Nobody wants a slow, unresponsive device; any hits to GPU performance could result in a noticeably degraded user experience. As such, the GPU software stack in Android relies on an in-process HAL model where the API & user space drivers communicating with the GPU kernel mode module are running directly within the context of apps, thus avoiding IPC (interprocess communication). This opens the door for potentially untrusted code from a third party app being able to directly access the interface exposed by the GPU kernel module. If there are any vulnerabilities in the module, the third party app has an avenue to exploit them. As a result, a potentially untrusted code running in the context of the third party application is able to directly access the interface exposed by the GPU kernel module and exploit potential vulnerabilities in the kernel module.

Variety & Memory Safety

Additionally, the implementation of GPU subsystems (and kernel modules specifically) from major OEMs are increasingly complex. Kernel modules for most GPUs are typically written in memory unsafe languages such as C, which are susceptible to memory corruption vulnerabilities like buffer overflow.

Can someone do something about this?

Great news, we already have! Who’s we? The Android Red Team and Arm! We’ve worked together to run an engagement on the Mali GPU (more on that below), but first, a brief introduction:

Android Red Team

The Android Red Team performs time-bound security assessment engagements on all aspects of the Android open source codebase and conducts regular security reviews and assessments of internal Android components. Throughout these engagements, the Android Red Team regularly collaborates with 3rd party software and hardware providers to analyze and understand proprietary and “closed source” code repositories and relevant source code that are utilized by Android products with the sole objective to identify security risks and potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by adversaries outside of Android. This year, the Android Red Team collaborated directly with our industry partner, Arm, to conduct the Mali GPU engagement and further secure millions of Android devices.

Arm Product Security and GPU Teams

Arm has a central product security team that sets the policy and practice across the company. They also have dedicated product security experts embedded in engineering teams. Arm operates a systematic approach which is designed to prevent, discover, and eliminate security vulnerabilities. This includes a Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), a Monitoring capability, and Incident Response. For this collaboration the Android Red Teams were supported by the embedded security experts based in Arm’s GPU engineering team.

Working together to secure Android devices

Google’s Android Security teams and Arm have been working together for a long time. Security requirements are never static, and challenges exist with all GPU vendors. By frequently sharing expertise, the Android Red Team and Arm were able to accelerate detection and resolution. Investigations of identified vulnerabilities, potential remediation strategies, and hardening measures drove detailed analyses and the implementation of fixes where relevant.

Recent research focused on the Mali GPU because it is the most popular GPU in today’s Android devices. Collaborating on GPU security allowed us to:

Assess the impact on the broadest segment of the Android Ecosystem: The Arm Mali GPU is one of the most used GPUs by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and is found in many popular mobile devices. By focusing on the Arm Mali GPU, the Android Red Team could assess the security of a GPU implementation running on millions of Android devices worldwide.

Evaluate the reference implementation and vendor-specific changes: Phone manufacturers often modify the upstream implementation of GPUs. This tailors the GPU to the manufacturer’s specific device(s). These modifications and enhancements are always challenging to make, and can sometimes introduce security vulnerabilities that are not present in the original version of the GPU upstream. In this specific instance, the Google Pixel team actively worked with the Android Red Team to better understand and secure the modifications they made for Pixel devices.


Investigations have led to significant improvements, leveling up the security of the GPU software/firmware stack across a wide segment of the Android ecosystem.

Testing the kernel driver

One key component of the GPU subsystem is its kernel mode driver. During this engagement, both the Android Red Team and Arm invested significant effort looking at the Mali kbase kernel driver. Due to its complexity, fuzzing was chosen as the primary testing approach for this area. Fuzzing automates and scales vulnerability discovery in a way not possible via manual methods. With help from Arm, the Android Red Team added more syzkaller fuzzing descriptions to match the latest Mali kbase driver implementation.

The team built a few customizations to enable fuzzing the Mali kbase driver in the cloud, without physical hardware. This provided a huge improvement to fuzzing performance and scalability. With the Pixel team’s support, we also were able to set up fuzzing on actual Pixel devices. Through the combination of cloud-based fuzzing, Pixel-based fuzzing, and manual review, we were able to uncover two memory issues in Pixel’s customization of driver code (CVE-2023-48409 and CVE-2023-48421).

Both issues occurred inside of the gpu_pixel_handle_buffer_liveness_update_ioctl function, which is implemented by the Pixel team as part of device specific customization. These are both memory issues caused by integer overflow problems. If exploited carefully alongside other vulnerabilities, these issues could lead to kernel privilege escalation from user space. Both issues were fixed and the patch was released to affected devices in Pixel security bulletin 2023-12-01.

Testing the firmware

Firmware is another fundamental building block of the GPU subsystem. It’s the intermediary working with kernel drivers and GPU hardware. In many cases, firmware functionality is directly/indirectly accessible from the application. So “application ⇒ kernel ⇒ firmware ⇒ kernel” is a known attack flow in this area. Also, in general, firmware runs on embedded microcontrollers with limited resources. Commonly used security kernel mitigations (ASLR, stack protection, heap protection, certain sanitizers, etc.) might not be applicable to firmware due to resource constraints and performance impact. This can make compromising firmware easier, in some cases, than directly compromising kernel drivers from user space. To test the integrity of existing firmware, the Android Red Team and Arm worked together to perform both fuzzing and formal verification along with manual analysis. This multi-pronged approach led to the discovery of CVE-2024-0153, which had a patch released in the July 2024 Android Security Bulletin.

CVE-2024-0153 happens when GPU firmware handles certain instructions. When handling such instructions, the firmware copies register content into a buffer. There are size checks before the copy operation. However, under very specific conditions, an out-of-bounds write happens to the destination buffer, leading to a buffer overflow. When carefully manipulated, this overflow will overwrite some other important structures following the buffer, causing code execution inside of the GPU firmware.

The conditions necessary to reach and potentially exploit this issue are very complex as it requires a deep understanding of how instructions are executed. With collective expertise, the Android Red Team and Arm were able to verify the exploitation path and leverage the issue to gain limited control of GPU firmware. This eventually circled back to the kernel to obtain privilege escalation. Arm did an excellent job to respond quickly and remediate the issue. Altogether, this highlights the strength of collaboration between both teams to dive deeper.

Time to Patch

It’s known that attackers exploit GPU vulnerabilities in the wild, and time to patch is crucial to reduce risk of exploitation and protect users. As a result of this engagement, nine new Security Test suite (STS) tests were built to help partners automatically check their builds for missing Mali kbase patches. (Security Test Suite is software provided by Google to help partners automate the process of checking their builds for missing security patches.)

What’s Next?

The Arm Product Security Team is actively involved in security-focused industry communities and collaborates closely with its ecosystem partners. The engagement with the Android Red Team, for instance, provides valuable enablement that drives best practices and product excellence. Building on this collaborative approach, Arm is complementing its product security assurance capabilities with a bug bounty program. This investment will expand Arm’s efforts to identify potential vulnerabilities. For more information on Arm’s product security initiatives, please visit this product security page.

The Android Red Team and Arm continue to work together to proactively raise the bar on GPU security. With thorough testing, rapid fixing, and updates to the security test suite, we’re improving the ecosystem for Android users. The Android Red Team looks forward to replicating this working relationship with other ecosystem partners to make devices more secure.