OSV-SCALIBR: A library for Software Composition Analysis (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Erik Varga, Vulnerability Management, and Rex Pan, Open Source Security Team In December 2022, we announced OSV-Scanner, a tool to enable developers to easily scan for vulnerabilities in their open source dependencies. Together with the open source community, we’ve continued to build this tool, adding remediation features, as well as expanding ecosystem support to 11 programming languages and 20 package manager formats.  Today, we’re excited to release OSV-SCALIBR (Software Composition Analysis LIBRary), an extensible library for SCA and file system scanning. OSV-SCALIBR combines Google’s internal vulnerability management expertise into one scanning library with significant new capabilities such as: SCA for installed packages, standalone binaries, as well as source code OSes package scanning on Linux (COS, Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, and much more), Windows, and Mac Artifact and lockfile scanning…
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OSV-SCALIBR: A library for Software Composition Analysis (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Erik Varga, Vulnerability Management, and Rex Pan, Open Source Security Team In December 2022, we announced OSV-Scanner, a tool to enable developers to easily scan for vulnerabilities in their open source dependencies. Together with the open source community, we’ve continued to build this tool, adding remediation features, as well as expanding ecosystem support to 11 programming languages and 20 package manager formats.  Today, we’re excited to release OSV-SCALIBR (Software Composition Analysis LIBRary), an extensible library for SCA and file system scanning. OSV-SCALIBR combines Google’s internal vulnerability management expertise into one scanning library with significant new capabilities such as: SCA for installed packages, standalone binaries, as well as source code OSes package scanning on Linux (COS, Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, and much more), Windows, and Mac Artifact and lockfile scanning…
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