How the Atheris Python Fuzzer Works (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Ian Eldred Pudney, Google Information Security On Friday, we announced that we’ve released the Atheris Python fuzzing engine as open source. In this post, we’ll briefly talk about its origins, and then go into lots more detail on how it works. The Origin Story  Every year since 2013, Google has held a “Fuzzit”, an internal event where Googlers write fuzzers for their code or open source software. By October 2019, however, we’d already written fuzzers for most of the open-source C/C++ code we use. So for that Fuzzit, the author of this post wrote a Python fuzzing engine based on libFuzzer. Since then, over 50 Python fuzzers have been written at Google, and countless bugs have been reported and fixed. Originally, this fuzzing engine could only fuzz native extensions,…
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Announcing Bonus Rewards for V8 Exploits (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Martin Barbella, Chrome Vulnerability Rewards PanelistStarting today, the Chrome Vulnerability Rewards Program is offering a new bonus for reports which demonstrate exploitability in V8, Chrome’s JavaScript engine. We have historically had many great V8 bugs reported (thank you to all of our reporters!) but we'd like to know more about the exploitability of different V8 bug classes, and what mechanisms are effective to go from an initial bug to a full exploit. That's why we're offering this additional reward for bugs that show how a V8 vulnerability could be used as part of a real world attack. In the past, exploits had to be fully functional to be rewarded at our highest tier, high-quality report with functional exploit. Demonstration of how a bug might be exploited is one…
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OpenTitan at One Year: the Open Source Journey to Secure Silicon (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Dominic Rizzo, OpenTitan Lead, Google During the past year, OpenTitan has grown tremendously as an open source project and is on track to provide transparent, trustworthy, and cost-free security to the broader silicon ecosystem. OpenTitan, the industry’s first open source silicon root of trust, has rapidly increased engineering contributions, added critical new partners, selected our first tapeout target, and published a comprehensive logical security model for the OpenTitan silicon, among other accomplishments. OpenTitan by the Numbers  OpenTitan has doubled many metrics in the year since our public launch: in design size, verification testing, software test suites, documentation, and unique collaborators at least. Crucially, this growth has been both in the design verification collateral required for high volume production-quality silicon, as well as the digital design itself, a first for…
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Improving open source security during the Google summer internship program (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by the Information Security Engineering team at Google Every summer, Google’s Information Security Engineering (ISE) team hosts a number of interns who work on impactful projects to help improve security at Google. This year was no different—well, actually it was a little bit different because internships went virtual. But our dedication to security was still front and center as our intern team worked on improvements in open source software. Open source software is the foundation of many modern software products. Over the years, developers increasingly have relied on reusable open source components for their applications. It is paramount that these open source components are secure and reliable.  The focus of this year’s intern projects reflects ISE’s general approach of tackling security issues at scale, and can be split into three…
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Mitigating Memory Safety Issues in Open Source Software (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Dan Lorenc, Infrastructure Security Team Memory-safety vulnerabilities have dominated the security field for years and often lead to issues that can be exploited to take over entire systems.  A recent study found that "~70% of the vulnerabilities addressed through a security update each year continue to be memory safety issues.” Another analysis on security issues in the ubiquitous `curl` command line tool showed that 53 out of 95 bugs would have been completely prevented by using a memory-safe language. Software written in unsafe languages often contains hard-to-catch bugs that can result in severe security vulnerabilities, and we take these issues seriously at Google. That’s why we’re expanding our collaboration with the Internet Security Research Group to support the reimplementation of critical open-source software in memory-safe languages. We previously…
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Launching OSV – Better vulnerability triage for open source (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Oliver Chang and Kim Lewandowski, Google Security Team We are excited to launch OSV (Open Source Vulnerabilities), our first step towards improving vulnerability triage for developers and consumers of open source software. The goal of OSV is to provide precise data on where a vulnerability was introduced and where it got fixed, thereby helping consumers of open source software accurately identify if they are impacted and then make security fixes as quickly as possible. We have started OSV with a data set of fuzzing vulnerabilities found by the OSS-Fuzz service. OSV project evolved from our recent efforts to improve vulnerability management in open source ("Know, Prevent, Fix" framework). Vulnerability management can be painful for both consumers and maintainers of open source software, with tedious manual work involved in…
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Vulnerability Reward Program: 2020 Year in Review (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Anna Hupa, Senior Strategist, Vulnerability Rewards TeamDespite the challenges of this unprecedented year, our vulnerability researchers have achieved more than ever before, partnering with our Vulnerability Reward Programs (VRPs) to protect Google’s users by discovering security and abuse bugs and reporting them to us for remediation. Their diligence helps us keep our users, and the internet at large, safe, and enables us to fix security issues before they can be exploited. The incredibly hard work, dedication, and expertise of our researchers in 2020 resulted in a record-breaking payout of over $6.7 million in rewards, with an additional $280,000 given to charity. We’d like to extend a big thank you to our community of researchers for collaborating with us. It’s your excellent work that brings our programs to life,…
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Know, Prevent, Fix: A framework for shifting the discussion around vulnerabilities in open source (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Eric Brewer, Rob Pike, Abhishek Arya, Anne Bertucio and Kim Lewandowski Executive Summary: The security of open source software has rightfully garnered the industry’s attention, but solutions require consensus about the challenges and cooperation in the execution. The problem is complex and there are many facets to cover: supply chain, dependency management, identity, and build pipelines. Solutions come faster when the problem is well-framed; we propose a framework (“Know, Prevent, Fix”) for how the industry can think about vulnerabilities in open source and concrete areas to address first, including: Consensus on metadata and identity standards: We need consensus on fundamentals to tackle these complex problems as an industry. Agreements on metadata details and identities will enable automation, reduce the effort required to update software, and minimize the impact of…
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Data Driven Security Hardening in Android (Google Online Security Blog)

Posted by Kevin Deus, Joel Galenson, Billy Lau and Ivan Lozano, Android Security & Privacy Team The Android platform team is committed to securing Android for every user across every device. In addition to monthly security updates to patch vulnerabilities reported to us through our Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP), we also proactively architect Android to protect against undiscovered vulnerabilities through hardening measures such as applying compiler-based mitigations and improving sandboxing. This post focuses on the decision-making process that goes into these proactive measures: in particular, how we choose which hardening techniques to deploy and where they are deployed. As device capabilities vary widely within the Android ecosystem, these decisions must be made carefully, guided by data available to us to maximize the value to the ecosystem as a whole. The…
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The Taxman Cometh for ID Theft Victims (Krebs on Security)

The unprecedented volume of unemployment insurance fraud witnessed in 2020 hasn’t abated, although news coverage of the issue has largely been pushed off the front pages by other events. But the ID theft problem is coming to the fore once again: Countless Americans will soon be receiving notices from state regulators saying they owe thousands of dollars in taxes on benefits they never received last year. One state’s experience offers a window into the potential scope of the problem. Hackers, identity thieves and overseas criminal rings stole over $11 billion in unemployment benefits from California last year, or roughly 10 percent of all such claims the state paid out in 2020, the state’s labor secretary told reporters this week. Another 17 percent of claims — nearly $20 billion more –…
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