How we kept the Google Play & Android app ecosystems safe in 2024 (Google Online Security Blog)
Posted by Bethel Otuteye and Khawaja Shams (Android Security and Privacy Team), and Ron Aquino (Play Trust and Safety) Android and Google Play comprise a vibrant ecosystem with billions of users around the globe and millions of helpful apps. Keeping this ecosystem safe for users and developers remains our top priority. However, like any flourishing ecosystem, it also attracts its share of bad actors. That’s why every year, we continue to invest in more ways to protect our community and fight bad actors, so users can trust the apps they download from Google Play and developers can build thriving businesses. Last year, those investments included AI-powered threat detection, stronger privacy policies, supercharged developer tools, new industry-wide alliances, and more. As a result, we prevented 2.36 million policy-violating apps from being…