Meet Ika & Sal: The Bulletproof Hosting Duo from Hell (Krebs on Security)

Actualités, Sécurité
In 2020, the United States brought charges against four men accused of building a bulletproof hosting empire that once dominated the Russian cybercrime industry and supported multiple organized cybercrime groups. All four pleaded guilty to conspiracy and racketeering charges. But there is a fascinating and untold backstory behind the two Russian men involved, who co-ran the world’s top spam forum and worked closely with Russia’s most dangerous cybercriminals. From January 2005 to April 2013, there were two primary administrators of the cybercrime forum Spamdot (a.k.a Spamit), an invite-only community for Russian-speaking people in the businesses of sending spam and building botnets of infected computers to relay said spam. The Spamdot admins went by the nicknames Icamis (a.k.a. Ika), and Salomon (a.k.a. Sal). Spamdot forum administrator “Ika” a.k.a. “Icamis” responds to…
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Meet Ika & Sal: The Bulletproof Hosting Duo from Hell (Krebs on Security)

Actualités, Sécurité
In 2020, the United States brought charges against four men accused of building a bulletproof hosting empire that once dominated the Russian cybercrime industry and supported multiple organized cybercrime groups. All four pleaded guilty to conspiracy and racketeering charges. But there is a fascinating and untold backstory behind the two Russian men involved, who co-ran the world’s top spam forum and worked closely with Russia’s most dangerous cybercriminals. From January 2005 to April 2013, there were two primary administrators of the cybercrime forum Spamdot (a.k.a Spamit), an invite-only community for Russian-speaking people in the businesses of sending spam and building botnets of infected computers to relay said spam. The Spamdot admins went by the nicknames Icamis (a.k.a. Ika), and Salomon (a.k.a. Sal). Spamdot forum administrator “Ika” a.k.a. “Icamis” responds to…
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Meet Ika & Sal: The Bulletproof Hosting Duo from Hell

In 2020, the United States brought charges against four men accused of building a bulletproof hosting empire that once dominated the Russian cybercrime industry and supported multiple organized cybercrime groups. All four pleaded guilty to conspiracy and racketeering charges. But there is a fascinating and untold backstory behind the two Russian men involved, who co-ran the world’s top spam forum and worked closely with Russia’s most dangerous cybercriminals. From January 2005 to April 2013, there were two primary administrators of the cybercrime forum Spamdot (a.k.a Spamit), an invite-only community for Russian-speaking people in the businesses of sending spam and building botnets of infected computers to relay said spam. The Spamdot admins went by the nicknames Icamis (a.k.a. Ika), and Salomon (a.k.a. Sal). Spamdot forum administrator “Ika” a.k.a. “Icamis” responds to…
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Syrian Hackers Distributing Stealthy C#-Based Silver RAT to Cybercriminals

Threat actors operating under the name Anonymous Arabic have released a remote access trojan (RAT) called Silver RAT that’s equipped to bypass security software and stealthily launch hidden applications. “The developers operate on multiple hacker forums and social media platforms, showcasing an active and sophisticated presence,” cybersecurity firm Cyfirma said in a report
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Unifying Security Tech Beyond the Stack: Integrating SecOps with Managed Risk and Strategy

Cybersecurity is an infinite journey in a digital landscape that never ceases to change. According to Ponemon Institute1, “only 59% of organizations say their cybersecurity strategy has changed over the past two years.” This stagnation in strategy adaptation can be traced back to several key issues. Talent Retention Challenges: The cybersecurity field is rapidly advancing, requiring a
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Webinar – Leverage Zero Trust Security to Minimize Your Attack Surface

Digital expansion inevitably increases the external attack surface, making you susceptible to cyberthreats. Threat actors increasingly exploit the vulnerabilities stemming from software and infrastructure exposed to the internet; this ironically includes security tools, particularly firewalls and VPNs, which give attackers direct network access to execute their attacks. In fact, Gartner&
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NIST Warns of Security and Privacy Risks from Rapid AI System Deployment

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is calling attention to the privacy and security challenges that arise as a result of increased deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in recent years. “These security and privacy challenges include the potential for adversarial manipulation of training data, adversarial exploitation of model vulnerabilities to
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