Engineering Personal DAta Protection in EU Data Spaces (ENISA)

Common European data spaces (EU data spaces) are a novel concept introduced in the European strategy for data and elaborated further within the Data Governance Act (DGA). This report attempts to contextualise the main design principles regarding protection of personal data and demonstrate how to engineer personal data protection through two use cases of an envisioned EU data space in the pharmaceutical domain.
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Perfecting the Defense-in-Depth Strategy with Automation

Medieval castles stood as impregnable fortresses for centuries, thanks to their meticulous design. Fast forward to the digital age, and this medieval wisdom still echoes in cybersecurity. Like castles with strategic layouts to withstand attacks, the Defense-in-Depth strategy is the modern counterpart — a multi-layered approach with strategic redundancy and a blend of passive and active security
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Malicious Ads on Google Target Chinese Users with Fake Messaging Apps

Chinese-speaking users have been targeted by malicious Google ads for restricted messaging apps like Telegram as part of an ongoing malvertising campaign. "The threat actor is abusing Google advertiser accounts to create malicious ads and pointing them to pages where unsuspecting users will download Remote Administration Trojan (RATs) instead," Malwarebytes' Jérôme Segura said in a
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