
Don’t Let Your Domain Name Become a “Sitting Duck” (Krebs on Security)

Actualités, Sécurité
More than a million domain names — including many registered by Fortune 100 firms and brand protection companies — are vulnerable to takeover by cybercriminals thanks to authentication weaknesses at a number of large web hosting providers and domain registrars, new research finds. Image: Shutterstock. Your Web browser knows how to find a site like thanks to the global Domain Name System (DNS), which serves as a kind of phone book for the Internet by translating human-friendly website names ( into numeric Internet addresses. When someone registers a domain name, the registrar will typically provide two sets of DNS records that the customer then needs to assign to their domain. Those records are crucial because they allow Web browsers to find the Internet address of the hosting provider that…
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Don’t Let Your Domain Name Become a “Sitting Duck” (Krebs on Security)

More than a million domain names — including many registered by Fortune 100 firms and brand protection companies — are vulnerable to takeover by cybercriminals thanks to authentication weaknesses at a number of large web hosting providers and domain registrars, new research finds. Image: Shutterstock. Your Web browser knows how to find a site like thanks to the global Domain Name System (DNS), which serves as a kind of phone book for the Internet by translating human-friendly website names ( into numeric Internet addresses. When someone registers a domain name, the registrar will typically provide two sets of DNS records that the customer then needs to assign to their domain. Those records are crucial because they allow Web browsers to find the Internet address of the hosting provider that…
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Don’t Let Your Domain Name Become a “Sitting Duck” (Krebs on Security)

Actualités, Sécurité
More than a million domain names — including many registered by Fortune 100 firms and brand protection companies — are vulnerable to takeover by cybercriminals thanks to authentication weaknesses at a number of large web hosting providers and domain registrars, new research finds. Image: Shutterstock. Your Web browser knows how to find a site like thanks to the global Domain Name System (DNS), which serves as a kind of phone book for the Internet by translating human-friendly website names ( into numeric Internet addresses. When someone registers a domain name, the registrar will typically provide two sets of DNS records that the customer then needs to assign to their domain. Those records are crucial because they allow Web browsers to find the Internet address of the hosting provider that…
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Don’t Let Your Domain Name Become a “Sitting Duck”

More than a million domain names — including many registered by Fortune 100 firms and brand protection companies — are vulnerable to takeover by cybercriminals thanks to authentication weaknesses at a number of large web hosting providers and domain registrars, new research finds. Image: Shutterstock. Your Web browser knows how to find a site like thanks to the global Domain Name System (DNS), which serves as a kind of phone book for the Internet by translating human-friendly website names ( into numeric Internet addresses. When someone registers a domain name, the registrar will typically provide two sets of DNS records that the customer then needs to assign to their domain. Those records are crucial because they allow Web browsers to find the Internet address of the hosting provider that…
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DigiCert to Revoke 83,000+ SSL Certificates Due to Domain Validation Oversight

Certificate authority (CA) DigiCert has warned that it will be revoking a subset of SSL/TLS certificates within 24 hours due to an oversight with how it verified if a digital certificate is issued to the rightful owner of a domain. The company said it will be taking the step of revoking certificates that do not have proper Domain Control Validation (DCV). "Before issuing a certificate to a
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North Korea-Linked Malware Targets Developers on Windows, Linux, and macOS

The threat actors behind an ongoing malware campaign targeting software developers have demonstrated new malware and tactics, expanding their focus to include Windows, Linux, and macOS systems. The activity cluster, dubbed DEV#POPPER and linked to North Korea, has been found to have singled out victims across South Korea, North America, Europe, and the Middle East. "This form of attack is an
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How To Get the Most From Your Security Team’s Email Alert Budget

We’ll TL;DR the FUDdy introduction: we all know that phishing attacks are on the rise in scale and complexity, that AI is enabling more sophisticated attacks that evade traditional defenses, and the never-ending cybersecurity talent gap means we’re all struggling to keep security teams fully staffed.  Given that reality, security teams need to be able to monitor and respond to threats
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