
Breaking Down AD CS Vulnerabilities: Insights for InfoSec Professionals

The most dangerous vulnerability you’ve never heard of. In the world of cybersecurity, vulnerabilities are discovered so often, and at such a high rate, that it can be very difficult to keep up with. Some vulnerabilities will start ringing alarm bells within your security tooling, while others are far more nuanced, but still pose an equally dangerous threat. Today, we want to discuss one of
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Atlassian Confluence Vulnerability Exploited in Crypto Mining Campaigns

Threat actors are actively exploiting a now-patched, critical security flaw impacting the Atlassian Confluence Data Center and Confluence Server to conduct illicit cryptocurrency mining on susceptible instances. "The attacks involve threat actors that employ methods such as the deployment of shell scripts and XMRig miners, targeting of SSH endpoints, killing competing crypto mining processes,
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New Cyberattack Targets Chinese-Speaking Businesses with Cobalt Strike Payloads

Chinese-speaking users are the target of a "highly organized and sophisticated attack" campaign that is likely leveraging phishing emails to infect Windows systems with Cobalt Strike payloads. "The attackers managed to move laterally, establish persistence and remain undetected within the systems for more than two weeks," Securonix researchers Den Iuzvyk and Tim Peck said in a new report. The
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SANS Institute Unveils Critical Infrastructure Strategy Guide for 2024: A Call to Action for Securing ICS/OT Environments

A comprehensive guide authored by Dean Parsons emphasizes the growing need for specialized ICS security measures in the face of rising cyber threats. With a staggering 50% increase in ransomware attacks targeting industrial control systems (ICS) in 2023, the SANS Institute is taking decisive action by announcing the release of its essential new strategy guide, "ICS Is the Business: Why Securing
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North Korean Hackers Target Developers with Malicious npm Packages

Threat actors with ties to North Korea have been observed publishing a set of malicious packages to the npm registry, indicating "coordinated and relentless" efforts to target developers with malware and steal cryptocurrency assets. The latest wave, which was observed between August 12 and 27, 2024, involved packages named temp-etherscan-api, ethersscan-api, telegram-con, helmet-validate, and
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Russian Hackers Exploit Safari and Chrome Flaws in High-Profile Cyberattack

Cybersecurity researchers have flagged multiple in-the-wild exploit campaigns that leveraged now-patched flaws in Apple Safari and Google Chrome browsers to infect mobile users with information-stealing malware. "These campaigns delivered n-day exploits for which patches were available, but would still be effective against unpatched devices," Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) researcher Clement
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Vietnamese Human Rights Group Targeted in Multi-Year Cyberattack by APT32

A non-profit supporting Vietnamese human rights has been the target of a multi-year campaign designed to deliver a variety of malware on compromised hosts. Cybersecurity company Huntress attributed the activity to a threat cluster known as APT32, a Vietnamese-aligned hacking crew that's also known as APT-C-00, Canvas Cyclone (formerly Bismuth), Cobalt Kitty, and OceanLotus. The intrusion is
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